
I love memoirs.

Just finished reading Amy Chua’s, Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother. It was fabulous.

Her original idea was to show how Chinese parents are better at raising kids than Western ones. Based on that alone, I wouldn’t have picked it up-it seemed that insulting! But my husband insisted that I’d love it, and I’m glad he did. Because the book evolved into a story of self-discovery, which is what I love reading about.

An interesting thing to note is that Ms. Chua had a similar experience as I did with the media. No one can really believe how corrupt the medium is unless they’ve been involved with it.

My experience with twisted words came from my husband’s time in the mayor’s office, and hers about beliefs she put in a book. While those situations are quite different, it’s comforting to know that the media burned others too, and for nonsense!

Back to Ms. Chua’s book: please don’t be affronted by her initial premise. She comes to the same conclusion that I have with regards to parenting: ALL children –East vs. West – want the same thing from their mothers: love. Which means, there is no right or wrong way to parent, as long as love is in the equation.

So, parent on!

The photo: my beloved Chinese Medicine practitioner and life expert, Dr. Reiko (albeit, she’s Japanese!). Reiko put me on the “wellness path” more than 20 years ago, and I am forever grateful to her, as is the rest of my family. This is who Funk and I did the cleanse in Hawaii with, this time last year.

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